Getting Started


Getting started is quick and easy!

Add Nexa to your Existing Webapp

Ready to add Crypto to your current application?

It's easy to drop-in the NEXA.js core library to your existing application, then add the individual features you need one at a time.

Setup using a <script> tag in HTML

To quickly get started using Nexa in your existing Webapp, simply include this tag in the <head> section of your HTML:

<!-- CDN (Web2) integration solution -->
<script src=""

- OR -

<!-- IPFS Gateway (Web3) integration solution -->
<script src=""

Pro Builder Tip — Import Individual Packages

Although convenient to just import nexa.min.js and be on your way; we highly recommend that you import packages individually.

This means that decide when methods() you want to use and then import package-name.min.js for a much smaller load your your application.

Visit our modules section to learn more about importing packages.

Setup using a package manager

NEXA.js is fully-supported by your favorite package manager. Choose from one of the options below to begin installation of NEXA.js into your existing Webapp.

npm install --save nexajs
yarn add nexajs
pnpm install nexajs

You should know!

If you are NOT using a Package Manager like Webpack or Rollup, then it is highly advised that you import individual packages, eg. @nexajs/rostrum to reduce your application's total package size.
